From Forests to Heritage, Conference Helsinki 2024
The woods of Orange’s ancient theater
In the South of France, Orange theater (on UNESCO World Heritage list) is the only ancient theater in the Roman West to conserve such a well-preserved stage building. Since 2017, it has been the subject of a restoration campaign accompanied by archaeological study and the exceptional presence of scaffolding has made it possible to reach previously inaccessible parts of the building. On site, a protocol has gradually been established to enable the various trades to work alongside archaeological study. Although stone was the main building material, over 300 wooden elements were identified in or between the stone blocks. After documentation in situ, they were removed in whole or in part. Their dimensions, shapes and species vary widely, suggesting a diversity of functions (structural, furnishing, etc.). A map of the wood species shows a predominance of wood from riparian and alluvial plains, from montane and sub-alpine levels and from the mesomediterranean environment. For the moment, dendrochronological analyses have not yielded any dating, but radiocarbon analyses point to phases of the monument’s development in the 13th, 15th and 16th centuries, periods that are poorly documented in texts. The continuous occupation of this building since its construction has certainly contributed to its preservation to the present day.
Lisa Shindo, Alain Badie, Sandrine Borel-Dubourg, Carine Cenzon-Salvayre
Keywords: ancient theatre, wood identification, radiocarbon dating, dendrochronology
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